
Finding echoes

Can you think to what could be that one word that relates to when I ask you about finding echoes of others in yourself? Have you ever tried to walk in someone else’s moccasins?  Empathy is quite a simple word but the amount of compassion it carries is huge. And is it a trait you should have? Absolutely. It’s not a script, there is no right or wrong. It’s just listening, holding space , withholding your judgement, connecting emotionally and saying nothing but “you are not in this alone”.That is what the world needs right now. Sometime back I lost someone very dear to me. I was always this strong person who could seldom show her emotional side to anyone and in this situation as well I didn’t let out the void it had created in my life. Though I consoled the family that all shall be well but the heart wouldn’t heal. I stepped in to fill the void this person had created in her sons life and then mind seemed to accept and move ahead.  The fact is heart is vast but the empathy is str...

Magical Reality

Children are born inquisitive, and it is this curiosity that allows them to learn more about the world through every experience and social interaction. Sometime back my kid started asking me questions which i did not have answers to.  Her WHY's seemed to be never ending. And then i set out to find out so to raise myself to be able to answer her curious mind. Reality is something that exists and can be justified through your five senses. But then you might be thinking what about emotions - anger, happiness, love  i do feel them.  Yes, they are real and they are experienced through your conscious mind.  The word Magical can be related to pure magic, the moment which was to die for, goosebumps listening to a performance, breathless that makes us come alive. And why am i relating these two words is to give the sense of magic of evolution. Nothing came into existence all of a sudden, it was a gradual progression of complex organisms through scientifi...

The Rational Mind

You should be wondering about the title , and what this particular blog is about. My interest has been to binge on reading books for quite long and if you asked me which one in particular percolated my cerebrum that would be writer-philosopher Ayn Rand . And I wish to share what my left hemisphere processed on the philosophy written in her book Fountainhead . Can you always be reasonable,  do you take logical decision, do you have a sound mind, and alas do you think man is a rational being? I can hear you answer and I as well agree that we live in a world which mirrors our expectations and attitude. It's masked by our illusion and finding reality requires persistence. But that should be fine to live in the world perceived by you, ultimately you know yourself better here. With that let me introduce the main characters in this book with their ideologies. Ayn Rand has portrayed two kinds of beings, One who is uncompromised and the Second who live through others....

The Green Adobe

It's time to talk about my second trip which i took this year. Quite a long drive it was to reach this Green Adobe and as the name suggests it's all greenery and nothing more that reflects on. The road takes you through thick evergreen forest for miles which is the Periyar National Park. The State as such spellbinds us with the beauty of nature, culture and cuisine. And i very well did experience all this compelling and captivating aspects of God's Own Country. The adobe is Thekkady in the Idduki district of Kerala also known for the Natural Spices Haven.  I chose for myself a very secluded plantation resort which kind of turned out to be an interesting stay.  A quiet cottage at the end of the lane with swans, white peace lily flowers, honeybees buzzing around for nectar and other edible fruits, nuts around was nature in its purest source.  Being a spice and coffee plantation , tour of the place will show you the many natural spices grown here from pe...

A trip out of nowhere

Just a short weekend and am thinking about my travel plans. Sometimes an unplanned getaway gives a way new perspective. So where did i plan to oh rather not plan and take the trip this weekend. Guess you would as well want to hear this. Have you recently taken a overnight train ride and thought that you really missed the train journey which you had probably done when you were a child. These days we rather take out our car when we want to and drive out of the city. But this time i somehow convinced myself to take a journey on the rail road. The only way to be sure of catching a train is to miss the one before it. And i have rather missed quite for long to not get on board this time. And the final stop for me was a small temple town Badami famous for its rock cut structural temples.  A bit of history says that Badami is also named as Vatapi after a famous demon who was killed by sage Agastya and later also was the capital of the early Chalukyas. The Chalukyas did ...